6 research outputs found

    Energy-aware WSN dimensioning : mathematicals models and optimization methods

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    COMPIEGNE-BU (601592101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La revolta contra les quintes de 1870 al Pla de Barcelona

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Teresa AbellóAquest treball té per objectiu fer una aproximació a la revolta del Pla de Barcelona contra la quinta de 1870. Es vol fer, d’una banda, una narració dels fets succeïts que permeti conèixer els esdeveniments de la revolta pròpiament dita. Aquests fets convé situar-los, alhora, en el context del Sexenni Democràtic. D’altra banda, es busca fer un estat de la qüestió acadèmic que reculli la principal bibliografia que permet conèixer aquest tema així com quines són les fons emprades i disponibles per al seu estudi. El comentari bibliogràfic i la narració dels fets seran presentats conjuntament per blocs temàtics en un sentit cronològic

    Max-Min fair link quality in WSN based on SINR

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    This paper addresses first the problem of max-min fair (MMF) link transmissions in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and in a second stage studies the joint link scheduling and transmission power assignment problem.Given a set of concurrently transmitting links, the MMF link transmission problem looks for transmission powers of nodes such that the signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) values of active links satisfy max-min fairness property. By guaranteeing a “fair” transmission medium (in terms of SINR), other network requirements may be directly affected, such as the schedule length, the throughput (number of concurrent links in a time slot), and energy savings.Hence, the whole problem seeks to find a feasible schedule and a power assignment scheme such that the schedule length is minimized and the concurrent transmissions have a fair quality in terms of SINR.The focus of this study falls on the transmission power control strategy, which ensures that every node that is transmitting in the network chooses a transmission power that will minimally affect the other concurrent transmissions and, even more, achieves MMF SINR values of concurrent link transmissions.We show that this strategy may have an impact on reducing the network time schedule